The apse, in the Gothic architecture, is characterized by seven chapels inside of which the architect has wanted to link the uniqueness of the Narnese lowered arch with Gothic arch.

The seven chapels.

The chapels, covered by choir stalls, keep a relevant heritage of frescos, almost all assigned to the Maestro of Narni and to his workshop. 

The chorus.

The chorus, built in 1474, is another important element of the apse.

Gift of the Cardinal of Narni Berardo Eroli, partly represents an element of disturbance to the grandeur of the environment but, as a whole, represents an artwork that deserves attention for the fineness of the inlay that looks like a delicate lace. 

Worthy of note are the terminal panels, carved with the figures of the Angel Gabriel and the Madonna to represent the Annunciation.  Their perfection makes them attributed to the Vecchietta who in those years sculpted the statue of Sant’Antonio abate, on which we will dwell later, and the San Bernardino who is now at the Bargello in Florence.

The canvas of the apse represents the glory of San Giovenale and it is attributed to Girolamo Troppa, painter born in Rocchette in Sabina in 1636.

L'Abside con le sette cappelle e il coro della Cattedrale di San Giovenale

Cathedral of San Giovenale


Piazza Cavour – 05035 Narni TR

Opening hours

Opening hours: 

  • from 8am to 12.30pm
  • from 3.30pm to 7pm
Where to park

It is suggested to park the car in the Suffraggio’s parking lot and go up with the elevator until Via Garibaldi reaching Piazza Cavour.

Discover Narni.

Continue to walk with us discovering what to see inside the walls of Narni.

Or discover the points of interest of Narni and of its territory:

Esterno del Palazzo Scotti di Narni, visto da Via Mazzini
City of Narni

Scotti Palace

Scotti Palace, is one of the most impressive civil architectures in Narni, rises on the west side of Via Mazzini, close to Santa Maria Impensole.

Learn more
Gli affreschi della chiesa rupestre di Santa Maria della Rupe, prima sala del percorso di Narni Sotterranea a Narni in Umbria
City of Narni

Narni Underground

More than a complex of churches and hypogeal ambience, Narni Underground is a story: the history of its incredible discovery in 1979 and the events

Learn more

Tel. +39 351 2385302 / 800 266 300

Comune di Narni

Piazza dei Priori, 1 – 05035 Narni (TR)

Tel. 0744.7471 Fax 0744.715270

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