The particular Church of Sant’Andrea Apostolo, with its belltower slender in the sky, rises in the old town of Capitone, of which it is the principal religious building.

The church of Capitone.

As it is for the castle which preserves it,  we don’t know exactly when the church was built. The first document which mentioned the Church of Sant’Andrea is the  Redditus in Episcopatu Nar. , where the tribute to Narni in 1191 is registered. 

In the 17th century  there was news of its expansion in the shape of a Latin cross church with a Baroque dome. 

Several decorations were made in the following years, dated 1889 that of the chapel of the major altar.

Facciata della Chiesa di Sant'Andrea Apostolo di Capitone

The architectural structure and the works.

With a latin cross system, the church has a facade from the 15th century: 

  • the lower part is characterized by a lowered sixth portal with above a lunette decorated with the Nativity; 
  • in the highest part a big window. 

On the left there is the belltower with a clock , probably built on one of the towers of the castle. 

The interior is in baroque style with decoration with polychrome painting and some stucco altars with interesting canvases of the same period. Particularly, on the left side of the crossing, a canvas represented the Madonna del Rosario

There are seven altars: three each side.At the center in the Chapel of Sant’Andrea there is the major altar.

Church of Sant'Andrea Apostolo


Via dei Mercanti, 14, 05035 Capitone TR – 05035, Narni

The castle of Capitone can be visited by foot

Where to park

It is recommended to park near the main entrance of the castle.


Discover Narni.

Discover with us the places of interest near Capitone.

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