I musicisti dell'International Festival Le Luci della Ribalta al Teatro Manini di Narni che saltano

Concerts, exhibitions and cultural initiatives: the International Festival Le Luci della Ribalta, thanks to the Association Mozart Italia, arrives in Narni every August, to fill the narrow streets and the squares of international artists. The International Festival Le Luci della Ribalta. The festival was born in 2010 and was immediately a success for audiences fascinated […]

Immagine del Narnia Festival

In July, Narni is blessed by the muse of music, art and culture during the day of the Narnia Festival that’s a great celebration of arts, music and culture that offers performances of world-famous artists, art exhibitions, cultural activities, and the best of international educational programs. The Narnia Festival. The Narnia Festival events are born […]

Gran Corteo Storico della Corsa all'Anello in Piazza dei Priori a Narni

When spring comes, in Narni also arrives the Corsa all’Anello (=the Ring Race) one of the most important medieval reenactments in Italy, three weeks of ancient rites, ceremonies, games and parades of ladies, knights and minstrels. And, for a few years, the festival is repeated for a week in September. The Corsa all’Anello and Narni […]

Particolare di una ruota di mountain bike presa a noleggio da servizio turistico di Narni

Rent a bike or electric bike? Rely on a guide tour in the center or for a hike? Let’s find out to whom we’ll refer to organize a perfect vacation in Narni and in its territory. Discover the tourist services. Narni Chiama Bus: public transport call service. Narni Chiama Bus (Narni Call Bus) is an […]

Immagine del pozzo nella corte della Rocca Albornoz e la porta d'ingresso a Palazzo Eroli Narnia Pass

Narnia Pass is the best way to enjoy the access to the historical and cultural interesting places of Narni. Narnia Pass, the single ticket to the Narni’s attractions. With a single ticket you can visit the Eroli Palace, home of the museum and art gallery, and the Albornoz Fortress, taking advantage of a free audio […]

Piatto di pappardelle fatte a mano al ragù di cinghiale specialità umbra dove mangiare

Narni is a beautiful tourist destination both for its history and for its beauties, but also for experiencing the local food and wine.  Several are the restaurants that you can find in the old town or in the territory, most of them are dedicated to Umbrian cuisine,  both traditional and reinterpreted, several are the pizzerias […]

Camera di agriturismo per capire dove dormire a Narni

Hotel, B&B, farmhouse, country house, hostel, camping: choose the best solution for a beautiful stay in Narni and in its territory. Where to sleep in Narni. Use the filters by type of stay and location to discover the best offer for your needs and choose where to sleep in Narni. Alessia Guest house – Via […]

Insegne degli sentieri CAI a Taizzano con indicazioni delle distanze da Stifone, Gole del Nera, Guadamello e Otricoli

Tourist trekking, hiking, itineraries and CAI trails, spiritual and cultural walking routes: discover together all the possible outdoors activities in Narni and around it. Itineraries, trails and walking routes in Narni and in its territory. Let’s find out: local itineraries linked to tourist trekking or cycling experiences on local circuits; the CAI trails passing through […]

Gli affreschi della chiesa rupestre di Santa Maria della Rupe, prima sala del percorso di Narni Sotterranea una delle più interessanti esperienze da farea Narni in Umbria

Walking, biking, hiking, sport activities, guided tours and laboratories: discover together the best tourist experiences that you can do in Narni and in its territory. Discover the touristic experiences to do in Narni. What to do in Narni. Discover what to do and what to see in Narni: Events Travel Ideas Itineraries, trails and walking […]

Le Mole di Narni lungo le Gole Nera una splendida idea di viaggio

Narni is a town for everyone: from the culture lovers, to whom that prefers the nature; from who is searches a spiritual experience to who searches peace and relax.  Below are some suggestions , curiosities and travel ideas to organize the perfect vacation in Narni. Fatti ispirare. Do you have only one day to visit […]

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Tel. +39 351 2385302 / 800 266 300 narni@archeoares.com

Comune di Narni

Piazza dei Priori, 1 – 05035 Narni (TR)

Tel. 0744.7471 Fax 0744.715270

P.IVA 00178930558 IBAN IT40G0631572711000080000325

Posta certificata: comune.narni@postacert.umbria.it