Copia della statua di Erasmo da Narni, personaggio illustre narnese, al museo in Palazzo Eroli

Narni, during his millenary history, is remembered for giving the birth to several and important personalities of any age. The illustrious characters of Narni. Nequinum, Narnia, three names for the same town which, during the centuries, has seen born in its territory some important characters of the history of Italy. The Emperor Cocceius Nerva. Marcus […]

Stemma del Grifone di Narni nella copertina dell'antico statuto

Placed by Dante in the Heaven as the symbol of the church, the ancient symbol of the griffin – with the bird head and lion body – is the emblem of Narni (and of another very important city of Umbria). The griffin which became the coat of arms of Narni and Perugia. A Narni legend […]

Panorama della città di Narni in Umbria

The papal state between the periods of the two Roman Republics, then the Unity of Italy and the two World wars until it arrived at today’s Narni, a proud town of its past with the eyes always through the future. Narni in Contemporary Age. The French Revolution and its army completely changed the old system […]

Cappella della Beata Lucia con le tele del Trevisani nella Cattedrale di San Giovenale a Narni

The Sack of the Landsknechts and the challenge with Terni signed, for Narni, the first century of the Modern Age of which followed a reconstruction period during which affirmed those families who gave to the town the actual aspect. Narni in the Modern Age. With the loss of political autonomy began a first phase of […]

Bassorilievo alto medievale

The fall of the Roman Empire and the barbaric invasions hit the territory of Narnia which, as for other towns along the Via Flaminia, was incorporated in that one which then became the Byzantine corridor.   Passed under the influence of the Papal States, began in the late Middle Ages that growth that led it to […]

Particolare del rilievo funebre dei latuedii a Palazzo Eroli a Narni

We know that Narnia became latin colony at the beginning of the III century BC , grew with the realization of the Via Flaminia – which had to past on an existing road – so much so that it had its own river port on the Nera river , flourished after becoming a municipium, and […]

Le tre punte di lancia in bronzo dalla tomba di Miriano oggi al museo in Palazzo Eroli

The findings in Molino del Passatore location and those into the Grotta dei Cocci (Cocci Crave) push us to think that the hills of the territories of Narni were inhabited already in the Prehistoric period and then in the Bronze age.  The Umbrian populations were built after the first settlements, including that placed in a […]

Leone funerario all'interno del museo di Narni in Palazzo Eroli

In the beginning was the Nequinum of the Umbrian people, after the achievement by Roman became the Narnia which flourished in the Middle Age, now it’s called Narni and its history echoes in the fabric of its places: in the squares, into the narrow streets , into the churches and into the palaces which draw […]

Leone funerario all'interno del museo di Narni in Palazzo Eroli

Let’s find out what to know about Narni: its history, its illustrious landscapes and from where was born the coat of arms of the town. Discover what to do in Narni. From Nequinum to Narni passing to Roman Narnia and then the medieval one: let’s discover the millennial history of the town. The history of […]

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Comune di Narni

Piazza dei Priori, 1 – 05035 Narni (TR)

Tel. 0744.7471 Fax 0744.715270

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