La chiesa di San Martino nella campagna di Taizzano

The Church of San Martino, surrounded by oaks in the countryside of Taizzano is a unique place and out of time. The Church of San Martino in Taizzano. Maybe built on a pre-existed pagan temple, for the finding of some stone material in the area, the building has a structure dating between the end of […]

L'antica Abbazia di Sant'Angelo in Massa a poca distanza da Taizzano

The ancient Abbey of Sant’Angelo in Massa rises above a hill not far from Taizzano, on the Via Tiberina towards Borgaria. The Abbey of Sant’Angelo in Massa. The structure was built on the place that was occupied by an ancient roman residence of the emperor Antonino, as evidenced by inscriptions and archeological remains found there.  […]

Facciata della Chiesa dei SS Maria Annunziata e Silvestro di Taizzano

The Church of the Saints Maria Annunziata and Silvestro, with its original bipartite structure, rises in the highest point of Taizzano. The Church of Taizzano dedicated to the Saints Maria Annunziata and Silvestro. The building, recently restored, dates between the end of 1440 and the first half of 1500. Particular is its structure with two […]

La Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo a Schifanoia

The wonderful and ancient Church of San Michele the Archangel rises on a little hill not far from what was the castle of Schifanoia. The Church of San Michele Arcangelo along the Way of the Protomartyrs. Today the church is a suggestive work in Romanesque architecture, but in ancient times it must have been one […]

Il Campanile a vela della Chiesa di Santa Marina a Stifone

The Church of Santa Marina, now under renovation, is dedicated to the patron saint of the village along the banks of the Nera and is located in the heart of the village of Stifone. The Church of Santa Marina in Stifone. The Building, of medieval origin, was amplified and modified in 1600 in its actual […]

Chiesa di Santa Maria Annunziata e San Vito

The Church of San Vito was built in the last century to substitute that one little dimension which, in the past, stood under the square tower. The Church of Santa Maria Annunziata e San Vito. The parish church, with its mole and the cuspitade bell tower, is a structure which rises in a dominant position […]

Facciata della Chiesa di San Nicola ai Itieli

The Church of San Nicola is the main religious building of the former castle of Itieli and faces a square from which you can enjoy one of the most beautiful views of the valley. The Church of San Nicola from Bari. The origins of the building date back to the late Middle Ages, when the […]

Facciata della Chiesa di San Pietro e Paolo di Narni

The Church of Saints Pietro and Paolo, dedicated to the patrons of Gualdo, is the principal religious building of this hamlet of Narni. Church of Saints Pietro and Paolo of Gualdo. Built on a building from the 1300 and restored several times, the actual aspect is from the last restoration made during the 1600. The […]

Vista su facciata e panorama dalla piazza dove si trova la chiesa di Santa Maria Annunziata di Guadamello

The Church of Santa Maria Annunziata, parish of Guadamello, overlooks a picturesque square with a view of the valley. The Church of Santa Maria Annunziata in Guadamello. There are no definite indications about the construction of this church, but it is believed that it may have been the castle chapel built between the 10th and […]

Facciata della Chiesa di Sant'Andrea Apostolo di Capitone

The particular Church of Sant’Andrea Apostolo, with its belltower slender in the sky, rises in the old town of Capitone, of which it is the principal religious building. The church of Capitone. As it is for the castle which preserves it,  we don’t know exactly when the church was built. The first document which mentioned […]

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