Facciata della Chiesa di Santa Maria della Cerqua e, sulla sinistra, la strada capitonese

The Church of Santa Maria della Cerqua takes its name from the secular cerqueto on the hill crossed by the street which from Narni leads to Capitone.  Tradition says that , in 1576, on an oak tree was found a marble bas-relief of Madonna col Bambino which was considered miraculous. The Church of Santa Maria […]

Il complesso del Sacro Speco di San Fracesco a Narni visto da ripresa aerea

14 km far from Narni and places on a hill of 600 meter reachable through a tortuous trail of great landscape interest, the  Sacred Cave of San Francesco arises on these places where Francesco used to go to pray and is one of the most important sanctuaries of Italy. The Sacred Speco of San Francesco, […]

Il camminamento del Ponte Cardona in autunno

Reachable through a suggestive trail in the green of a forest of oaks and holm oaks, Cardona Bridge is the last of the four bridges of the Roman Aqueduct of Formina and is not far away to the Geographic center of Italy. Cardona Bridge : from the Aqueduct of Formina to the Geographic center of […]

Epigrafe all'interno dell'Acquedotto della Formina di Narni

Evidence of Roman hydraulic and engineering excellence, the Formina Aqueduct is a complex of tunnels, bridges and tunnels that run for 13 km on a constant slope, from Sant’Urbano to Narni. The Roman Aqueduct of Formina in Narni. According to priest Ferdinando Brusoni, which wrote in the XVIII century, an inscription on marble slab which […]

Veduta del Mulino dei Marchesi Eroli, del Giardino e parte del ponte sulla via Flaminia a Narni

The Mill of the Marquises Eroli rises on the banks of the river Nera , in a storical, artistic and naturalist contest of big importance, characterized by the ancient Via Flaminia , by the Augustus Bridge and by the Abbey of San Cassiano. The Mill of the Marquises Eroli, a recognized monument of cultural interest. […]

Ripresa aerea dell'arco superstite dei resti del Ponte di Augusto a Narni

Built during the Augustan age, to to overcome the impetus of the Nera River, towards that point of Via Flaminia which linked the town hall of Narni to those of Carsulae, the remains of the Augustus Bridge are one of the most suggestive roman monuments of the southern Umbria. The Augustus Bridge, the Via Flaminia […]

Facciata del Santuario della Madonna del Ponte

The Sanctuary of Madonna del Ponte rises at the foot of the mountain Croce , near the remains of the Augustus Bridge which gave it the name. The Sanctuary of Madonna del Ponte in Narni Scalo. The history is linked to that of Angelo Fanelli, a inhabitant of Narni who in 1714, inside a cave, […]

Vista aerea dell'Abbazia di San Cassiano a Narni

Built in a hard location to reach, on the slopes of the Santa Croce mountain, the Abbey Benedectine of San Cassiano is a fortified structure which dominates the Via Flaminia and the underlying river of Nera. The Abbey of San Cassiano which observes Narni from the opposite mountain. Placed to control the passage on the […]

Panorama delle Gole del

The Gole del Nera (=Gorges of the Nera river) and the itinerary cycle-pedestrian of six kilometers born on the path of the old railroad which accompany the waters of Nera which in this point has an intense emerald color, are one of the most surprising natural places of Umbria. The Gole del Nera, an oasis […]

Le Gole del Nera viste da Taizzano, sullo sfondo Narni e la Rocca Albornoz

Churches, abbeys, sanctuaries, natural paths for walks or for riding bikes: outside the walls of Narni lives the authentic spirit of the southern Umbria. What to see outside the walls of Narni. The itineraries and places surrounding the mountain where Narni is located are interesting both for natural and for cultural and spiritual attractions. The […]

Tel. +39 351 2385302 / 800 266 300 narni@archeoares.com

Comune di Narni

Piazza dei Priori, 1 – 05035 Narni (TR)

Tel. 0744.7471 Fax 0744.715270

P.IVA 00178930558 IBAN IT40G0631572711000080000325

Posta certificata: comune.narni@postacert.umbria.it