Palazzo dei Priori di Narni

For the particular architecture and the elements which compound it, the Priori Palace of Narni is one of the most beautiful monuments of Umbria.  The door, the little loggia of the auctioneer – where even today is made the reads of the “lo banno” with which it starts the Corsa all’Anello – the civic tower […]

Il Palazzo Comunale di Narni al tramonto

The Municipal Palace, is in front of Priori Palace and, with its mole, the homonymous square in the center of Narni. The Podestà Palace, today headquarter of the Municipality. Placed on the area that was of the roman forum of Narnia, was built, purchasing in 1273, as it is reported in a document preserves in […]

Esterno del Palazzo Scotti di Narni, visto da Via Mazzini

Scotti Palace, is one of the most impressive civil architectures in Narni, rises on the west side of Via Mazzini, close to Santa Maria Impensole. One of the most beautiful palaces of Narnia. It is not possible say exactly when this building was made: the documents in archive doesn’t confirm a certain date but it […]

Ingresso a Palazzo Eroli a Narni su via Saffi

The history of Eroli Palace,  actual headquarter of the museum, of the art gallery and of the municipal library of Narni, is linked to the family of which has the name and who built it inside the old town around the half of the XVIII century. The palace of the Eroli family in Narni. Belonged […]

Particolare dell'Incoronazione della Vergine del Ghirlandaio

Eroli Palace, in the past residence of the noble family until the end of the XX century and today Museum, Art Gallery and Library of the Town of Narni, is in the highest part of the old town, behind the Podestà Palace and leaning against the Church of San Francesco. Eroli Palace: center of culture […]

Vista del Palazzo Vescovile di Narni da Piazza Cavour

Facing Piazza Garibaldi, with the entrance to Piazza Cavour, the Palazzo Vescovile (Bishop’s palace)  is one of the most impressive buildings of the old town of Narni. The bishopric in the city of Narni. The building was built in the Middle Age next to the Cathedral, and was then restored in the Seventeenth century by […]

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Comune di Narni

Piazza dei Priori, 1 – 05035 Narni (TR)

Tel. 0744.7471 Fax 0744.715270

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