Tag: Church

The Church of Santa Pudenziana is certainly one of the most evocative Romanesque structures in Italy: a place not to be missed for all lovers of art and history visiting southern Umbria. The beauty of the Church of Santa Pudenziana, former Santa Maria in Visciano. The church is located in the beautiful countryside of Narni […]

The pretty Church of Santi Silvestro e Feliciano is located in the highest part of the ancient castle of Borgaria and its entrance overlooks a square where you can enjoy a magnificent view. The Church of the Saints Silvestro and Feliciano in Borgaria. The religious building was built in the same period of the village […]

The Church of Santa Maria della Cerqua takes its name from the secular cerqueto on the hill crossed by the street which from Narni leads to Capitone. Tradition says that , in 1576, on an oak tree was found a marble bas-relief of Madonna col Bambino which was considered miraculous. The Church of Santa Maria […]

14 km far from Narni and places on a hill of 600 meter reachable through a tortuous trail of great landscape interest, the Sacred Cave of San Francesco arises on these places where Francesco used to go to pray and is one of the most important sanctuaries of Italy. The Sacred Speco of San Francesco, […]

The Sanctuary of Madonna del Ponte rises at the foot of the mountain Croce , near the remains of the Augustus Bridge which gave it the name. The Sanctuary of Madonna del Ponte in Narni Scalo. The history is linked to that of Angelo Fanelli, a inhabitant of Narni who in 1714, inside a cave, […]

One of the most beautiful and interesting architectural and artistic complexes of Umbria, even for the quality of the artwork inside of it, is the Church of Sant’Agostino. The beauty of the Church of Sant’Agostino. Where it is arises the big mole of the complex of the Church of Sant’Agostino, there was in the past […]

The charming Church of Santa Restituta is meeting going down through Via Mazzini before Piazza Galeotto Marzio. The Church of Santa Restituta and the Monastery of the Clares. Was the bishop of Narni Pierdonato Cesi in 1563 to give, at the instigation of the noble Paolo Orsini from Narni, the ancient parish church of Santa […]

The Church of Santa Maria Impensole rises in the old town of Narni at the entrance of what today is via Mazzini, former via Cajola, one of the principal axes of the town from the period of Rome. Il fascino della Chiesa Sospesa. Costruita tra il VII e il X secolo su un preesistente edificio […]

That which today is a modern Mario Bartolotti Auditorium, in the past was the first Cathedral of Narni. Entrusted then to the Dominicans, was part of a large deconsecrated convent complex in 1867. We talk about one of the most majestic works of Narni, the Ex Church of San Domenico. San Domenico, in the past […]

Arriving from the close via del Campanile or directly from Piazza dei Priori, you can only be kidnapped by the late Romanesque features of the Church of San Francesco of Narni located in one of the highest points of the city. The Church of San Francesco in Narni. In 1213 the bishop Ugolino called in […]