The tower which today rises along on the hill which dominates the flow of Nera river, represents the only surviving of what in the past was the Castle of Bufone.

The lonely tower of the Castle of Bufone.

The ancient castle and its tower were built on a hill that controlled the course of the Nera and the nearby Roman river port of Santa Lucida.

The first document mentioning Castel Bufone dates back to 1139, the year in which in a bull of pope Innocent II confirms the ownership of the Church of San Lorenzo, inside the castle and now disappeared, to the canons of the Cathedral of Narni, at the time the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore (now Auditorium Bortolotti, former Church of San Domenico).

We have no definite information on the origin of the name, but we know that the castle, abandoned definitively in 1591 after a terrible famine following the plague, was once the noble Arca family.

Today reaching the tower is not easy, but with comfortable shoes and spirit of exploration you can reach the base and appreciate from below the grandeur of its 19 meters high.

Tower of Bufone


strada di Visciano, 05035 Narni TR

You can reach the tower through the road of Visciano then you have to leave the car nearby and climb the hill by foot.

Where to park

It is advisable to park near the main entrance of the castle.


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Comune di Narni

Piazza dei Priori, 1 – 05035 Narni (TR)

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