Facing Piazza Garibaldi, with the entrance to Piazza Cavour, the Palazzo Vescovile (Bishop’s palace) is one of the most impressive buildings of the old town of Narni.
The bishopric in the city of Narni.
The building was built in the Middle Age next to the Cathedral, and was then restored in the Seventeenth century by the will of the bishop Raimondo Castelli.
The architecture of the Palace is really simple, even if impressive.
Today the first floor guests the Diocesan Center for Documentation in the Diocesan Library “Beata Lucia Broccadelli”, which preserved the ancient founds owned by the Bishop’s Curia and by the municipality of Narni, in addition of the historical archive of the Diocese of Terni, Narni and Amelia.
Until 2007 it hosted the Municipal Art Gallery, now transferred to the Eroli Palace.

Bishop Palace
Piazza Cavour, 8 – 05035, Narni
Diocesan Centre for Documentation
Diocesan Library “Blessed Lucia Broccadelli” Narni
Phone: 0744 722138
You can visit the Bishop’s Palace from outside and you can reach it from Piazza Garibaldi going up towards Piazza dei Priori.
To reach the palace and the old town of Narni it is suggested to park the car at the Suffraggio’s parking lot and go up with the elevator until via Garibaldi.
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