For the particular architecture and the elements which compound it, the Priori Palace of Narni is one of the most beautiful monuments of Umbria. 

The door, the little loggia of the auctioneer – where even today is made the reads of the “lo banno” with which it starts the Corsa all’Anello – the civic tower which dominate the town and the all valley, on which top is placed the bell which used to call the people in case of necessity,  the bold and elegant architecture of the loggia: every element tells the deep link that the palace had with the story of this town.

Beauty and pride of the city of Narni.

Built around the third half of the XIII century on what was the forum of Narnia, then Major Audience and today square which has its name, the Priori Palace was enriched in the XVI century , from the prestigious loggia works of Gattapone, architect from Gubbio committed even in the edifications of the Albornoz Fortress.

Through the centuries the palace has had many transformations until to become in 1618 headquarter of the Padri Scolopi, which founded the student residence and the school of the town , until the half of 1800. 

The complex, recently restored , hosts at the ground floor the Digipass and , on the first floor the headquarters of the Entity of the Corsa all’Anello, the museum of the medieval costumes of the Event, soon in the “Multimedieval” Museum.

Palazzo dei Priori di Narni

The Lodge of Gattapone and the Pillory.

The Loggia degli Scolopi (=Scolopi Lodge), attributed to the architect Gattapone, is one of the elements which characterized one of the most interesting Umbria’s palaces in archettonical wise. 

The work has a strong central pillar with rounded external corners and two powerful arches that form the facade, while in the center another octagonal pillar supports the arches of the vault divided by four sail cruises.

The walls have traces of inscriptions, frescos, big windows and arms of coats. Above the central pillar of the facade is the Arms of Coat of the Orsini Family. 

The rings are the remains of what was the public pillory, supported by the fact that the palace, during the medieval period, was the headquarters of the town courts.

Palazzo dei Priori di Narni al tramonto, in primo piano la loggia degli scolopi

The Lodge of the auctioneer.

Between the tower and the lodge there is the Lodge of the Auctioneer where the public notices were read and, following the tradition, San Bernardino from Siena preached to the people.  

On the day of Liberation of the town of Narni (June 13, 1944), was declared the first mayor.

Today is the place where the auctioneer of the Corsa all’anello reads the announcement of the Event.

Palazzo dei Priori di Narni con particolare della loggia del banditore

Priori Palace


Piazza dei Priori, 11, 05035 Narni TR


Association Corsa all’Anello

Phone: 0744 726233


Web: www.digipass/narni

Phone: 0744 747277

Where to park

To reach the old town of Narni it is suggested to park the car in the Suffragio Parking lot and go up with the elevator until via Garibaldi and then reach piazza dei Priori .

Discover Narni.

Continue to walk with us discovering what to see inside the walls of Narni.

Or discover the points of interest of Narni and of its territory:

Le decorazioni del soffitto e il lampadario del Teatro Comunale Giuseppe Manini di Narni
City of Narni

Manini Theatre

At the end of Via Garibaldi , in front of the construction which hosted the Bank , there was the Municipal Theatre of Narni dedicated

Learn more

Tel. +39 351 2385302 / 800 266 300

Comune di Narni

Piazza dei Priori, 1 – 05035 Narni (TR)

Tel. 0744.7471 Fax 0744.715270

P.IVA 00178930558 IBAN IT40G0631572711000080000325

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