The Municipal Palace, is in front of Priori Palace and, with its mole, the homonymous square in the center of Narni.

The Podestà Palace, today headquarter of the Municipality.

Placed on the area that was of the roman forum of Narnia, was built, purchasing in 1273, as it is reported in a document preserves in historical archive of the municipality, three houses-towers places in what before was the parish of San Salvato, belonging to the noble  Sinibaldo di Sinibaldo, to Giovannuccio di Simonzone and Giovanni Andrea, and to the knight Tommaso di Matteo Oddone.

Different were the works that, between the 1300 and 1400, made the building, the structure that we can admire today as a symbol of the pride of Narni. 

The facade of the palace is decorated by sculptures,  tombstones and friezes, which remember illustrious chapters of the past, it is characterized by particular cross windows. Different are the attributions: or to the architect Bernardino from Settignano called Rossellino, who the Vasari reports in Narni to direct the restore works of the Fortress in 1449; or the architect from Narni Nuccio de Risis who works even for the Pope Paolo II between 1455 and 1470 in Rome where we can find the same windows in Palazzo Venezia of the same period. 

Watching the facade we can notice the ogival doors – today walled – which faced the entrance to the palace , which is today through an ashlar portal, renaissance work.

Il Palazzo Comunale di Narni al tramonto

The right portal and the recovery materials of the Church of San Salvato.

On the right of the entrance door, a little door, overlooked by an ogival old door, today walled, with bas-reliefs and a fake little loggia, gives access to the Tourist-point.

This opening is the entrance of what was in the past the Chapel of the Santissimo Salvatore which went to replace the ex Church of San Salvato, placed close to the Fountain of Piazza dei Priori. 

The bas-reliefs of the XIII century, including that one particularly representing the episode of Giuditta and Oloferne and Jousting Knights and Falcon Fighter, were walled as recovery materials  by the abolished parish of San Salvato.

The atrium of the Municipal Palace.

The renaissance entrance introduces into the suggestive atrium  made by the transformation of the central tower. 

The inside yard, overlooked by a splendid stairs which takes to the noble floor, preserves a series of roman and medieval remains including: a roman burial from the Via Flaminia; some medieval  fregios which come, probably, from the ex Church of San Domenico, and from the underground of the Church of Santa Maria Impensole

At the base of a square pillar, the bust of the Italian philosopher, astronomer, mathematician, Giordano Bruno.

The Council Chamber.

Going up the stairs you arrive in the Council Chamber, in which atrium, are represented the castles which belonged to Narni from 1860. 

In the big room, in addition to the frescoes of the most Narni’s illustrious – today none more visible – and those of San Francisco , was preserved until 2007 the Coronation of the Madonna of Ghirlandaio which occupied all the back wall, today preserves and visible in the art gallery of Eroli Palace.

The Theater of the Palace.

The last floor preserves today the remains, under restoration, of a Theater of the Palace in baroque style. 

The work is the results of different interventions which, from the second half of the XVI century , until the 1740 , have given the shape of an italian theater: the structure was abandoned around the half of 1800 when it was built and inaugurated the Municipal Theatre Giuseppe Manini.   

Municipal Palace


Piazza dei Priori, 1 – 05035 Narni


City Hall

Phone: 0744 7471

It is possible to visit the atrium of the Municipal Palace during the day.


To reach the Municipal Palace and the old town of Narni it is suggested park the car into the Suffraggio Parking and go up with the elevator until via Garibaldi and then reach piazza dei Priori.

Discover Narni.

Continue to walk with us discovering what to see inside the walls of Narni.

Or discover the points of interest of Narni and of its territory:

Le decorazioni del soffitto e il lampadario del Teatro Comunale Giuseppe Manini di Narni
City of Narni

Manini Theatre

At the end of Via Garibaldi , in front of the construction which hosted the Bank , there was the Municipal Theatre of Narni dedicated

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Vista del Palazzo Vescovile di Narni da Piazza Cavour
City of Narni

Bishop’s Palace

Facing Piazza Garibaldi, with the entrance to Piazza Cavour, the Palazzo Vescovile (Bishop’s palace)  is one of the most impressive buildings of the old town

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Particolare dell'ex Ospizio di Gesù e Maria di Narni, oggi sede dell'Università
City of Narni

Piazza Galeotto Marzio

Placed at the end of Via Mazzini and enriched by beautiful palaces which faced it, Piazza Galeotto owes its name to the big humanist from

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Tel. +39 351 2385302 / 800 266 300

Comune di Narni

Piazza dei Priori, 1 – 05035 Narni (TR)

Tel. 0744.7471 Fax 0744.715270

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