The Church of San Nicola is the main religious building of the former castle of Itieli and faces a square from which you can enjoy one of the most beautiful views of the valley.

The Church of San Nicola from Bari.

The origins of the building date back to the late Middle Ages, when the castle was built as a defensive outpost along the Byzantine-Lombard border.

La via principale dei Itieli e la Chiesa di San Nicola in fondo

The architecture and the artworks.

The church has one aisle which ends with a presbytery with a semicircular apse and its treasure is made by amazing and prestigious paintings placed inside. 

Particularly is the tabernacol from the 16th century, the canvases of the 17th century of the lateral altars of which there is the  Madonna del Rosario and a series of frescoes representing the Life of San Nicola from Bari on the back wall. 

Among the most important works there is the fresco of Calisto Calisti (painter of the 17th century from Bagnaia). 

Another interesting work is in the second altar on the left: there are Sant’Antonio Abate, Sant’Antonio from Padova and San Nonnoso from the Soratte Mountain.

Church of San Nicola from Bari


Centro Itieli, 8, 05035 Itieli TR

The Church of San Nicola da Bari is inside the walls of the castle of the Itieli.

Where to park

You can park at the highest point, at the back of the Church of San Nicola and, from there, walk to the square of Andusse.


Discover Narni.

Discover with us the interesting places of Itieli or nearby.

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Comune di Narni

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