Sant’Urbano, near the Sacred Cave of San Francesco and from Itieli, is the last village of Narni on the border with Vasciano and the municipality of Stroncone.

Sant’Urbano di Narni.

The medieval castle was a domain of the Castelli family from Terni and was donated half to the Abbey of Farfa in 1038. 

From 1277 onwards the castle was, in fact, always under the influence of Narni.

Nearby there are traces of Roman works, of which the most important is the Formina Aqueduct that rises on the slopes of Mount Bandita.

Vista panoramica aera su Sant'Urbano

The Church of San Michele the Archangel rises on the remains of a previous medieval of which remains only the bases of the apse built on a tower of the walls. 

The altars preservers prestigious canvas of the 17th century , the major altars dedicated to San Michele Arcangel has a big canvas framed with columns and friezes of gilded wood of the half of the 17th century, and the baptsimal fount is from 1662, in the apse there are frescoes of the 15th century.

The Formina trail.

The village is the arrival of the Hiking Trail of the Formina which starts from the Narni walls retracing all the points of interest linked to this hydraulic work of Roman origin.



Sant’Urbano – 05035, Narni

The pretty village can be visited all year round.

Where to park

You can park at the lowest point of the village and visit the village on foot.


Discover Narni.

Discover with us the interesting places nearby.

Or discover the points of interest of Narni and of its territory:

Navata centrale della Cattedrale di San Giovenale di Narni, in fondo l'altare

The central aisle

Entering the Cathedral of Narni, from piazza Cavour it’s suggested to go in the center to look at the building in all of its elements:

Learn more
Fontana di Piazza Garibaldi di Narni, sullo sfondo la torre civica con l'orologio e l'entrata laterale della Cattedrale di San Giovenale
City of Narni

Piazza Garibaldi

Piazza Garibaldi (Garibaldi Square) was once called Lake Square or Lacus square because of a large cistern used during the Middle Ages to provide water

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Tel. +39 351 2385302 / 800 266 300

Comune di Narni

Piazza dei Priori, 1 – 05035 Narni (TR)

Tel. 0744.7471 Fax 0744.715270

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