The Gole del Nera (=Gorges of the Nera river) and the itinerary cycle-pedestrian of six kilometers born on the path of the old railroad which accompany the waters of Nera which in this point has an intense emerald color, are one of the most surprising natural places of Umbria.
The Gole del Nera, an oasis for lovers of nature and outdoor activities.
We are under the valley dominated by the city of Narni, where the Nera flows and then dives into the Tevere creating natural pools of vivid colors of turquoise and emerald.
Take a walk slowly savoring the colors and smells of nature, run along the path of a former railway accompanied by the gurgling of the waters of a thousand-year-old river, pedal and be surprised by fabulous views fought whether to stop to take a picture or accelerate to find new: the Gole del Nera are a place that enchants.
From the Augustus Bridge and from the Abbey of San Cassiano which dominate from above the itinerary, passing to the little hamlet of Recentino and its springs, then to the village of Stifone, until to arrive to the natural pools of the Le Mole di Narni is a continuo of suggestions historical and naturalistic .
A paradise for treeker, runners or lovers of bicycles who can enjoy this view walking or riding on the cyclo-pedestrian built along the path of the old railroad.

Walking in Narni: from the old town to the Gole del Nera and returning.
Different ways to enjoy one of the most beautiful places of Umbria: the best way is to do a 11 kilometer walk which starts from Narni, arrives at the Gole del Nera to return again to the town.
Gole del Nera
Gole del Nera – 05035, Narni
The Gole del Nera can be reached from Narni through a walk of about 5.5 km, or you can park near the remains of the Augustus Bridge in via Tre Ponti and reach the starting point by crossing the iron bridge that crosses the Nera River.
It is advisable to park the car near the remains of the Augustus Bridge, in via Tre Ponti.
Discover Narni.
Continue to walk with us discovering what to see inside the walls of Narni.
Or discover the points of interest of Narni and of its territory:

Municipal Palace
The Municipal Palace, is in front of Priori Palace and, with its mole, the homonymous square in the center of Narni. The Podestà Palace, today

Via del Campanile
A stair that goes from Via Garibaldi clambers up through one of the highest points of Narni: Via del Campanile is one of the most

The apse: the seven chapels and the chorus
The apse, in the Gothic architecture, is characterized by seven chapels inside of which the architect has wanted to link the uniqueness of the Narnese